A Podcast about physical health and wellness and everything that goes with it.
Healthcare providers all have the same goal in mind: To make sure we run as smoothly, efficiently, and safely as possible, so that you can live you can live your life the way you want to. In this podcast, I have guests from all disciplines all in one spot, because teamwork makes the dream work.
It’s all about you.
Available On
Episode 6
What do you do when you get hurt?You pulled a muscle, sprained an ankle, or landed funny on your wrist.
Now what? Do you do ice? heat? To move or not to move? How long is this sucker supposed to hurt? Most importantly, when can I get back to my life and the things I love? ⠀
All is answered in this session, so give it a listen! ⠀
Don’t like the sound of my voice? () Head over to the >> BLOG << post! There’s a more detailed, less rambly account of healing expectations there.⠀
⠀Have more questions? Need more answers? E-MAIL me at: pan@painandpancakes.com
Episode 5
Part III of the Pelvic Health Series.
Join Me and Marina Castellanos, PT, as we delve into the world of all things kids and pelvic health.
This was SUCH an interesting topic for me because it’s not a common specialty, even in the PT world. From chatting with her this morning, I can see the amazing impact her work has on the lives of her patients and their families. It may not seem like things like bedwetting and constipation may seem like much for a kid, but these are issues that can lead to larger social and mental issues. However, these are also things that Physical Therapists like Marina help with!
This episode is full of nuggets of wisdom and wonderful tips for patients and teens, and anyone can take the concepts here and apply them to their own lives (even as adults)!
Have more questions for Marina?
Check her out at:
IG: @marinacpelvicpt
e-mail: Marina@Marinacpt.com
Website: http://Marinacpt.com
Episode 4
Part II of the pelvic health series features Dr. Brooke Winder, PT, OCS, Professor at Cal State University Long Beach, and pelvic health specialist. In this episode, we delve into the importance of good pelvic floor health in performance artists, including dancers, circus artists, and athletes in general. We talk about what pelvic floor dysfunction may feel like, the differences in both men and women, and the unique challenges the pelvic floor muscles of performance artists face.
Some resources that we went over in this episode:
An Awesome health FAQ page from One Dance UK:
Dr. Winder’s current research link to participate:
You can find Dr. Winder on:
Instagram: @DrBrookeWinderPT
Episode 3
This is the first episode in a series that I will be doing to highlight how pelvic health is important for ALL, and to educate everyone (including me), on what pelvic health PTs do, why they do it, and the wonderful ways they can improve your life.
In this episode, Dr. Alex Hill, PT, DPT, WCS, CLT-LANA schools me on all things pelvic health related. If you’ve heard of pelvic health PT before, but have never really understood what the heck that means, or if you’re someone with pain in your pelvic region, hips, back, have incontinence, pain with sex, or if you’re pre or postpartum…basically if you’re human, LISTEN TO DR. ALEX.
Want more info? You can find her at:
Email: AlexandrahillPT@gmail.com
Instagram: Oncopelvicpt
Twitter: AlexhillPT
Facebook: Alexandra Hill
Episode 2
Come join Jose and me as we talk about the benefits of physical therapy for Crossfiters, firefighters, and how we work with Jaw pain. We also chat about the benefits of telehealth Physical therapy, and why you should try it today.
Bear with us as we stumble through technological snafus, and as we complain about quarantine challenges.
Check Jose out at Kinesiohq.com if you’re a crossfiter or a firefighter with aches and pains.
Episode 1
Join us as Stef and I chat about how your gut impacts EVERYTHING, And I mean everything! This includes your mental health and well being, aches and pains that you may have all the time, and obviously, your poos. Are you burping a lot after eating? Listen here. Are you having bad acid reflux and your meds don’t seem to be working? Listen here. Do you scarf your food down in 5 minutes? Definitely give us a listen.
More questions than you can shake a stick at? Find Stef at: